How to become a morning person… when you’re not.

4 minute read

I had a friend reach out to me and ask “how can I become more of a morning person? I like to sleep in but it’s not really conducive to having kids!”

And although there are some things that we just can’t change about ourselves or about our situation, there are some things you can do to help yourself like mornings a little more. Under the headings below, I included a bunch of tips and links to resources that you might find helpful.

Please share this page with anyone who you might think would benefit, because however you choose to spend them, your mornings are so important!

This is important: read through for ideas on what to ADD to your mornings to make them easier if it works for you. But also keep in mind that MINIMIZING “things” in your morning might be exactly what you need. If you only take away one thing from reading this article, hear this to like mornings more:

Eliminate as many decisions and tasks as you can in the morning. You don’t need to wake up at 5 am and jump to “do it all” every day to be a good parent.

The end. Remember the important part… always do what works best for you. And if you need help to like mornings better, eliminate as many decisions and tasks as you can in the morning. You don’t need to wake up at 5 am and jump to “do it all” every day to be a good parent.

Any advice offered by by Keara Moore at Wonderland Sleep Co. should not be counted as medical advice. Please seek help from your doctor if you have a health issue to address. Read my terms and conditions here.


A sleep coach who loves soothers!


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